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Rose Kahala

Product SKU: 069
252.00 zł
252.00 zł
Bouquet size
Bouquet note


There are 25 roses in the photo.

In this Bouquet you can choose any color of packaging from the range available. To do this, you need to contact the store by phone.

Attention! Before placing an order, check the assortment for the selected date. Please contact the store.

We remind you that the flowers and composition may differ slightly from the example in the photo in terms of shade, shape, and configuration. But don't worry, your composition will be no less beautiful!

We will deliver you any composition of the bouquet in Warsaw as soon as possible.


Peony, cut variety.
Peony - These are lush flowers similar to peonies.
Combining the strength of modern hybrid tea varieties with a light aroma of ancient Damascus, French, Bourbon, these roses, like multi-colored balls of clouds, amaze with an abundance of petals of a wide variety of colors.
Rose "Kahala" can hardly be confused with any other.
Unique color: shades of champagne, turning into a warm and delicate peach color. It literally shines in combination with orange shades of autumn leaves, which makes the color even more romantic and warm.
The flowers are large, densely double.
The petals are elastic, resistant to rain.
This elegant and sophisticated rose is named after an affluent neighborhood in Honolulu, Hawaii.
A large bud, thanks to which the Kahala rose looks great both in a flower bed in the garden and in bouquets.
Colour: bicolor, orange, peach
Number of flowers per stem: 1
The aroma is light fruity.
Flower size: 5-6cm
Average number of petals: 45
Frost resistance high - 6 zone
Powdery mildew resistance is very high
Very high resistance to black spot
Rain resistance is very high
Flowering is very abundant.

 +48 530 258 985 


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252.00 zł
252.00 zł
Bouquet size
Bouquet note

photo_2024-04-09_13-07-12 (2)
190.00 zł
190.00 zł
Bouquet note


Store Address:

Batalionu AK Bałtyk 9, lok. U4, 00-712 Warszawa

Mon-Sat: 9:00 – 20:00

Sun: 10:00 – 18:00


Before paying for the goods you have chosen, please contact us at +48 530 258 985. Flower delivery for today is possible, by agreement.


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