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White roses in a box

Product SKU: 017
205.00 zł
205.00 zł
Bouquet size
Bouquet note


In the photo, the bouquet is in medium size. You can choose a different composition size and change the color of the box.

Approximate set size:
Small (h=20 cm; d=15 cm) ~ 7 roses
Medium (h=30 cm; d=25 cm) ~ 21 roses
Large (h=40 cm; d=35 cm) ~ 35 roses
Mega (h=60 cm; d=55 cm) ~ 71 roses
The variety of roses may differ from the example in the photo.

Attention! Before placing an order, check the availability of roses for the selected date. Please contact the store.

We remind you that the flowers and composition may differ slightly from the example in the photo in terms of shade, shape, and configuration. But don't worry, your composition will be no less beautiful!

Ранее смотрели
205.00 zł
205.00 zł
Bouquet size
Bouquet note


Store Address:

Batalionu AK Bałtyk 9, lok. U4, 00-712 Warszawa

Mon-Sat: 9:00 – 20:00

Sun: 10:00 – 18:00


Before paying for the goods you have chosen, please contact us at +48 530 258 985. Flower delivery for today is possible, by agreement.


Copying or other use of the material without the written permission of the author is not allowed.